I'm currently trying out some of the possibilities in HTML3 using
Arena. Being an astrophysicst I'm interested in the math and table
possibilities in HTML3. I will ask my question first and give a
rationale afterwards since the latter may be irrelevant :-)
Is there a possibility (or a plan to include such a possibility) to
make parts of a <math> </math> structure a link?
Why do I want this?
There appears to be uses for HTML math on the Web, but I belong to the
cathegory who suspect that publishing might not want to use HTML. What
I instead see as a possiblity is using the Web for teaching and public
information. In such a setting I prefer to have the possiblity to
include formulas with links embedded so that the user may click at any
part of a formula and be guided to an explanation of this structure,
and perhaps the same for tables. This is something that could be
useful on the Web, whereas more academic use such as publishing might
be better off using HyperTeX. I couldn't see that this topic has been
brought up lately, so I hope this is not a topic that has been beaten
to death...