Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-spec-02.txt

Joe English (
Tue, 16 May 95 15:46:07 EDT

Terry Allen <> wrote:

> Just announced is
> diff first draft-ietf-html-spec-02.txt
> which has me confused. I already have a doc by that name, obtained on
> 29 March. It doesn't look as though it came via email, so I imagine
> (wrongly?) that I obtained it from Is there some
> confusion in numbering?

I don't know about that; the SGML source from which the
document was produced said "draft-ietf-html-spec-03.txt".

> I also note in the latest version (May 6) that the DTD has been rendered
> unusable by the inclusion of line numbers. I would expect this section
> of the spec to contain the authoritative version of the DTD, which one
> would extract and use. Is there some other plan for distributing the
> DTD?

Sorry, that's my fault. I suspected this might be a problem...

You can fix it with

sed 's/^.....//'

(five '.'s). Reintroducing the hard tabs may be difficult,
but hopefully not necessary.

For the catalog in 11.3 you'll also need to join wrapped lines
(with a '\' in column 80 and a '&' in column 3 of the next line.)
An experienced perl hacker could no doubt do this easily, but
it's short enough to do by hand...

I'll change the formatting script to include all the public text
verbatim for the next revision.

--Joe English