Sounds good.
>in the description of the IMG element:
>|<p>HTML user agents may process the value of the <attr/ALT/ attribute
>|as an alternative to processing the image resource indicated by the
>|<attr/SRC/ attribute.
>and in the attribute list:
><tli>ALT: text to use in place of the referenced image resource, for
>example due to processing constraints or user preference.
>> On the same topic, since only a SRC attribute is required for an IMG
>>shouldnt the description of ISMAP be changed to :
>> Optional attribute that indicates that the image is an image map (see
>>section Image Maps).
>That info is in the DTD. I took out most of the stuff that discussed
>syntax in the whole "Document Structure" section. I don't really want
>to start putting it back in.
I think that just adding the words "Optional attribute that" in front of the
existing text would be sufficient and consistant with other 'optional'
attrubite descriptions. I can live with it the way it stands though...
>>However under the description of LINK, there is no explicit mention of just
>Agreed. How about:
><p>The <tag/LINK/ element represents a hyperlink (see <hdref
>refid=hyperlink>). It has the same attributes as the <tag/A/ element
>(see <hdref refid=a>).
><p>The <tag/LINK/ element is typically used to indicate authorship,
>related indexes and glossaries, older or more recent versions,
>stylesheets, document hierarchy etc.
Looks good.
>>On the Forms page
>>(, the
>>description of the FORM element no longer says what will happen if there is no
>>SUBMIT (or INPUT TYPE=IMAGE) inputs on a form. In the past, this was
>>explicitly a no-no but this appears to no longer be the case. When was this
>>changed and why?
>I dunno, really. What did it used to say? (and where? I'm looking at
>old versions and I can't find it.)
This was on an old list in my mailbox dated Sep 2, '94 (the mail msg, no date
on the text) so Im assuming its from a loooong time ago. It was probably
based in part (inference?) from the text "When a form consists of a single text
field, it may be appropriate to leave such buttons out and rely on the Enter
key." Given the current text on Form Submission, this is a non-issue now.
Should have filtered it before asking...
>>In the first paragraph under the heading FORM you wrote:
>How about:
><p>A form is a template for a form data set and an associated method
>and action URI. A form data set is a sequence of name/value pair
>fields. The names are specified on the <attr/NAME/ attributes of form
>input elements, and the values are given initial values by various
>forms of markup and edited by the user. The resulting form data set is
>used to access an information service as a function of the action and
Sounds good.
It appears we are are almost there in a rough concensus on the rest of the
topics (then again Id bet something else may pop up at the last second)...