Re: new Postscript: 8.5x11 [was: HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Hyperlinking,

Peter Flynn (
Wed, 31 May 95 16:46:17 EDT

In message <9505311903.AA09386@acorn.Eng.Sun.COM>, Arthur van Hoff writes:
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 connolly www 303950 May 31 04:05
>This file does not print on our printer. It uses the wrong
>paper size, we use 8.5x11 inch US legal paper. Can you prepare
>a version for that paper size please?

I thought 8.5x11 was Letter size.

Grumble. Darned european tools always default to that funky
page size.

Damn right too :-) But why aren't you using dvips if you're using TeX?

Somebody _always_ finds a problem with my postscript. Good thing I
didn't bet the big money!

Nothing wrong with your PS. It just needs the margins setting so it
prints on both A4 and Letter paper (and has all trace of hard-coded
paper sizes removed). Then no-one will be any the wiser.
