Schedule for KAW'98

Eleventh Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management

Voyager Inn, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Saturday 18th to Thursday 23rd April, 1998

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Plenary - Sisyphus III Plenary - Evaluation Plenary - Knowledge Acquisition Conclave - Shareable 
Elbow Room - Evaluation of KA 
Points West - Visual
Plenary - Report backs from Wed pm sessions & Business
Plenary - Shareable Plenary - Panel - Practicalities of Evaluation Plenary - To be announced Points West - Evaluation of KA 
Points West - Sisyphus IV
Conclave - Shareable 

Elbow Room - Process support 

Points West - Visual
Conclave - Knowledge management 
Elbow Room - KA techniques incl. NL 
Points West - Agent-oriented
Tourism -- free afternoon to tour Banff Parallel - new groups and topics arranged at meeting
Conclave - Shareable 
Points West - Visual
Conclave - Knowledge management 
Elbow Room - KA techniques incl. NL 
Points West - Agent-oriented
Poster and Demo Reception - Bar Open 
Conclave - Poster Session - Shareable 
Elbow Room & Points West - Demonstrations
Poster and Demo Reception - Bar Open 

Schedule TBA
19.00-22.30     Banquet - Conclave 
Mystery Speaker

Detailed Schedule

The KAW'98 schedule will follow the usual format with sessions of 90 minutes consisting generally of 3 presenters with 10 minutes each followed by 60 minutes of discussion. All plenary sessions are in the Conclave. Click on the @ sign to link to paper in proceedings.
Sat     20.00-22.30     Welcome Reception in Elbow Room
  Bar and snacks

Sun     09.00-10.30     Plenary - Sisyphus III
  @ Formal Concept Analysis to Learn from the  Sisyphus-III Material, Michael Erdmann, Germany.
  @ A study of knowledge acquisition - Experiences from the Sisyphus III experiment for rock classification, Ute Gappa & Frank Puppe, Germany.
  @ Rocky III -- Round 1 A Progress Report, M. G. Jansen, A. Th. Schreiber and B. J. Wielinga, The Netherlands.
  @ Extending the SISYPHUS III Experiment from a Knowledge Engineering Task to a Requirements Engineering Task, Debbie Richards and Tim Menzies, Australia.

Sun     11.00-12.30     Plenary - Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems
  @ The Ontology of Tasks and Methods, B. Chandrasekaran, J. R. Josephson and V. Richard Benjamins, USA  The Netherlands.
  @ Ontobroker: Or How to Enable Intelligent Access to the WWW, Dieter Fensel, Stefan Decker, Michael Erdmann, and Rudi Studer, Germany.
  @ A principled approach to the construction of a task-specific library of problem solving components, Enrico Motta and Zdenek Zdrahal, UK.

Sun     14.00-15.30     Parallel - 3 Groups

Conclave - Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems
  @ - IBROW3 -An Intelligent Brokering Service for Knowledge-Component Reuse on the World Wide Web, V. Richard Benjamins, Enric Plaza,Enrico Motta, Dieter Fensel, Rudi Studer,Bob Wielinga, Guus Schreiber, Zdenek Zdrahal, and Stefan Decker.
  @ Characterising Problem Solving Methods by gradual requirements: overcoming the yes/no distinction, Annette ten Teije and Frank van Harmelen, UK & The Netherlands.
  @ Structured Development of Problem Solving Methods, Dieter Fensel and Enrico Motta, Germany & UK.

Elbow Room - Process support for knowledge acquisition: The quest for quidelines
  @ The KAMET Methodology: Content, Usage, and Knowledge Modeling, Osvaldo Cairó, Mexico & The Netherlands. 
  @ Knowledge-Model Construction, A. Th. Schreiber, B. J. Wielinga, The Netherlands.

Points West - Visual knowledge-modeling languages and environments (including knowledge modeling using conceptual graphs)
  @ Visual Languages for Knowledge Representation, Rob Kremer, Canada.
  @ Evaluation Issues for Visual Programming Languages, Tim Menzies, Australia.
  @ Ontology-Driven Visualization of Temporal Abstractions, Yuval Shahar and Cleve Cheng, USA.

Sun     16.00-17.30     Parallel -  2 Groups

Conclave - Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems
  @ A Method-Description Language: An initial ontology with examples, John H. Gennari, William Grosso, and Mark Musen, USA.
  @ When Knowledge Models Collide (How it Happens and What to Do), William E. Grosso, John H. Gennari, Ray W. Fergerson, Mark A. Musen, USA.
  @ Mappings for Reuse in Knowledge-based Systems, John Y. Park, John H. Gennari, Mark A. Musen, USA.

Points West - Visual knowledge-modeling languages and environments (including knowledge modeling using conceptual graphs)
  @ A Comparative Study of Dynamic Conceptual Graphs, Dickson Lukose and Guy W. Mineau, Australia & Canada.
  @ Modeling Expertise Using KADS and MODEL-ECS, Roberto A. Flores-Mendez, Pim van Leeuwen and Dickson Lukose, Canada, The Netherlands & Australia.
  @ A Conceptual Graph Approach to Support Multiperspective Development Environment, Thanwadee Thanitsukkarn and Anthony Finkelstein, UK.

Sun     20.00-22.30     Poster and Demo Reception - Bar Open

Conclave - Poster Session - Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems

  Plenary: 20.00-20.20 each poster will have 2.5 minutes (max. two slides) introduction.

  @ Components for Integrating Heuristic and Model-Based Diagnosis, Kent Andersson, Sweden.
  @ Building Problem Solvers Based on Search Control Knowledge Ghassan Beydoun and Achim Hoffmann, Australia.
  @ Building Ontologies at the Knowledge Level using the Ontology Design Environment, M. Blázquez, M. Fernández, J. M. García-Pinar, A. Gómez-Pérez, Spain.
  @ Strategic Knowledge in Design: a Compositional Approach, Frances M.T. Brazier, Pieter H.G. van Langen and Jan Treur, The Netherlands.
  @ Some Requirements and Experiences in Integrating  Terminological Ontologies, Aldo Gangemi, Domenico M. Pisanelli, Gerardo Steve, Italy.
  @ A formal framework to build domain knowledge ontologies for ripple-down rules-based systems, Rodrigo Martínez-Béjar, V. Richard Benjamins, Paul Compton, Philip Preston and Fernando Mart’n-Rubio, Spain, Australia and The Netherlands.
  @ Improving the Quality of Component Business Systems with Knowledge Engineering, Luis Montero and Colin T. Scott, USA.
  @ Providing Advice on the Acquisition and Reuse of Knowledge Bases in Problem Solving, S. White and D. Sleeman, UK.

Elbow Room & Points West - Demonstrations
  @ WebCokace: A CommonKADS Expertise Model Web Server, Olivier Corby and Rose Dieng, France.
  @ How to Use Ontobroker, Stefan Decker, Michael Erdmann, Dieter Fensel, Rudi Studer, Germany.
  @ Improving the Quality of Component Business Systems with Knowledge Engineering: Demo for the TRP Process Tools, Luis Montero and Colin T. Scott, USA.

Mon     09.00-10.30     Plenary - Evaluation
  @ Evaluation Issues With Critical Success Metrics, Tim Menzies, Australia.
  @ Measuring the evolution of a knowledge library: Assessment study, Masahiro Hori, Japan.
  @ Evaluating a PSM specification language in Adaptive Design: The AUTOGNOSTIC Experiments, Eleni Stroulia and Ashok K. Goel, Canada & USA.

Mon     11.00-12.30     Plenary - Panel - Practicalities of Evaluation

  Panel members: M.A. Musen (Chair), J.Breuker, P. Compton, N.R. Shadbolt
Mon     14.00-15.30     Parallel - 3 Groups

Conclave - Knowledge management and knowledge distribution through the Internet
  @ Methods and Tools for Corporate Knowledge Management, Rose Dieng, Olivier Corby, Alain Giboin, Myriam Ribière, France.
  @ KARATEKIT: Tools for the Knowledge-Creating Company, Andreas Abecker, Stuart Aitken, Franz Schmalhofer and Bidjan Tschaitschian, Germany & UK.
  @ Knowledge Integration for Building Organizational Memories, Ulrich Reimer, Switzerland.

Elbow Room - Knowledge acquisition techniques (including KA from natural language)
  @ Using Ripple Down Rules-based Systems for Acquiring Fuzzy Domain Knowledge, Rodrigo Martínez-Béjar, Gholamhossein M. Shiraz and Paul Compton, Spain and Australia.
  @ Ripple Down Rules with Formal Concept Analysis: A Comparison to Personal Construct Psychology, Debbie Richards, Australia.
  @ Acquiring Control Knowledge from Examples Using Ripple-down Rules and Machine learning, G. M. Shiraz and C. A. Sammut, Australia.

Points West - Agent-oriented approaches to knowledge engineering
  @ Multi-agent based architecture specification and verification, Kamel Bouchefra, Patrick Auge, Thierry Maury, Brigitte Rozoy, Roger Reynaud, France.
  @ The Role of Abilities of Agents in Re-design, Frances Brazier, Catholijn Jonker, Jan Treur, Niek Wijngaards,The Netherlands.
  @ Toward Adaptive Information Systems: considering concern and intentionality, Alain Cardon and Frank Lesage, France.

Mon     16.00-17.30     Parallel - 3 Groups

Conclave - Knowledge management and knowledge distribution through the Internet
  @ A Concept for an Internet-based Process-Oriented Knowledge Management Environment, Frank Maurer and Barbara Dellen, Canada & Germany.
  @ Tadzebao and WebOnto: Discussing, Browsing, and Editing Ontologies on the Web, John Domingue, UK.
  @ Community is Knowledge! in (KA)2, V. Richard Benjamins and Dieter Fensel, Spain, Germany and The Netherlands.

Elbow Room - Knowledge acquisition techniques (including KA from natural language)
  @ Automatic Acquisition of Historical Knowledge from Encyclopedic Texts, Richard Hull and Fernando Gomez, USA.
  @ Building Knowledge Bases with situations to help the cooperative revision, Luc Poittevin, France.
  @ Application of clustering in a system of query reformulation: Presentation of Saros, Nicolas Turenne and Francois Rousselot, France
  @ Modeling for Scalability - Ascending into Automatic Genome Sequencing, Thomas Wetter and Thomas Pfisterer, Germany.

Points West - Agent-oriented approaches to knowledge engineering
  @ IMPS - Internet Agents for knowledge engineering, Louise Crow & Nigel Shadbolt, UK.
  @ A Hybrid Agent-Oriented Infrastructure for Modeling Manufacturing Enterprises, Weiming Shen and Douglas H. Norrie, Canada.
  @ Learning by Observation in a Complex Domain, Michael van Lent and John Laird, USA.

Mon     20.00-22.30     Poster and Demo Reception - Bar Open

Conclave - Poster Session - Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems

  Others: Schedule to be arranged at meeting

Tue     09.00-10.30     Plenary - Knowledge Acquisition
  @ A Process for Knowledge Acquisition and Management, Jeffrey D. Kenyon, USA.
  @ Repertory Grid Graphs: A Hybrid of Conceptual Graphs and Repertory Grids, Harry S. Delugach, USA.
  @ APECKS: a Tool to Support Living Ontologies, Jenifer Tennison & Nigel R. Shadbolt, UK.

Tue     11.00-12.30     Plenary

  Topic to be announced.

Tue     Afternoon       Tourism - free afternoon to tour Banff

Wed     09.00-10.30     Parallel - 3 Groups

Conclave - Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems
  @ Knowledge Reuse among Diagnostic Problem Solving Methods in the Shell-Kit D3, Frank Puppe, Germany.
  @ A Script-Based Approach to Modifying Knowledge-Based Systems, Marcelo Tallis, USA.
  @ A trade-off between domain knowledge and problem-solving method power, P. Compton, Z. Ramadan, P. Preston, T. Le-Gia, V.Chellen, M. Mulholland, D.B. Hibbert, P.R. Haddad, B. Kang, Australia and Korea. 
  @ An Experiment in Ontology Reuse, Mike Uschold, Peter Clark, Mike Healy, Keith Williamson, Steven Woods, USA.

Elbow Room - Evaluation of knowledge-acquisition methodologies
  @ A Purpose Driven Method for the Comparison of Modelling Frameworks, Frances M.T. Brazier and Niek J.E. Wijngaards, The Netherlands.
  @ So you want to validate your PSMs?, Joost Breuker and Alexander Boer, The Netherlands.
  @ Simulated Expert Evaluation of Multiple Classification Ripple Down Rules, Byeong Ho Kang, Kidon Lee and Woosung Kim, Phil Preston and Paul Compton, Korea & Australia.

 Points West - Visual knowledge-modeling languages and environments (including knowledge modeling using conceptual graphs)
  @ Seamless Development of Structured Knowledge Bases, Päivikki Parpola, Finland.
  @ Mapping Visual to Textual Representation of Knowledge in DESIRE, Catholijn Jonker, Rob Kremer, Pim van Leeuwen, Dong Pan, Jan Treur, The Netherlands & Canada.
  @ Knowledge Acquisition from Cartesian Graphs: An Ontological Framework, Peter C-H. Cheng, James Cupit, Nigel R. Shadbolt, UK.
  @ Computer supported collaborative requirements negotiation, Daniela Herlea, Canada.

Wed     11.00-12.30     Parallel - 2 Groups

Points West - Evaluation of knowledge-acquisition methodologies
  @ Evaluation Issues for Problem Solving Methods, Tim Menzies, Australia.
  @ Evaluating Conceptual Modeling Languages, Tim Menzies, Robert F. Cohen and Sam Waugh, Australia.
  @ Building the Right System Right: Evaluating V&V Methods in Knowledge Engineering, Alun Preece, USA.

 Points West - Sisyphus IV knowledge-engineering studies
  @ Knowledge Annotation Initiative of the Knowledge Acquisition Community (KA)2, V. Richard Benjamins, Dieter Fensel, Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Stefan Decker, Michael Erdmann, Enrico Motta and Mark Musen.
  @ Mediating Representations for an Agent Design Toolkit, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Mark Greaves, Heather Holmback, Robert Carpenter, Robert Cranfill, Renia Jeffers, Luis Poblete, Tom Robinson, Amy Sun, Yuri Gawdiak, Alberto Canas, Niranjan Suri, Barry Silverman, Michael Brooks, Alex Wong, Isabelle Bichindaritz and Keith Sullivan, USA.
  @ Developing for Web Integration in Sisyphus-IV: WebGrid-II Experience, Brian R. Gaines and Mildred L.G. Shaw, Canada.
  @ WebGrid II: Developing Hierarchical Knowledge Structures from Flat Grids, Mildred L.G. Shaw and Brian R. Gaines, Canada.

Wed     14.00-17.30     Parallel - new groups and topics arranged at meeting
  Topic 1 - KA2 Status and activities

Wed     19.00-22.30     Banquet - Conclave -- Mystery Speaker

Thu     09.00-12.30     Plenary - Report backs from Wed pm sessions & Business

  Business session will cover size, date and location for next KAW. 31-Mar-98